Sunday, April 02, 2006
6:31 PM
found a right person to turn to..
And that would be my mum of course..though what she said made me kinda mad but what she said do make i took the advice and it works..i felt mum said that when in an argument or misunderstanding, it is best not to have a third'll make things even worst..even though you found out that someone have been saying nasty things about won't even hurt coz you know you've never done those things..apologising is not an act of weakness but a strength to know that you have to somehow forgive and forget and move on with our lives..holding on to grudges and making enemies would just make things unhappy for yourself..and really tire yourself to the extreme end..its tough when i stepped into this working world..but i managed to survive for a year..and will continue to do so till i've earned enough to continue to take my dream desired course...i've experience different kind of setbacks and i know there's more to come but i just gotta pull myself together and i know i can do it coz i believe in myself..and obviously i still won't bare to leave my lil' cute students yet..well thats all for today..
Mariah told
her story ...
6:31 PM c",)